Placement Loop, Inc.
Life Stage Investing is a subsidiary of Placement Loop, Inc. which enables interactions to improve how workers improve their pursuit of career, financial, and health well-being. We believe that improvements come from integrating five (5) interdependent well-being factors listed in the image below:
To us, financial and career well-being are two sides of the same coin because career well-being drives financial well-being which drives overall well-being. In other words, if you can’t meet your expenses and save enough, you won’t be able to afford enough time to invest in critical non-financial matters as you move up the hierarchy of well-being factors listed above.
Making History
Placement Loop is developing a Life Stage Roadmap to help workers make better well-being decisions and to augment the ability of trusted advisors to deliver more accurate advice faster.
In addition, Placement Loop is developing technology to allow people to license their data as legal tender thus making it a whole new asset class to increase a person’s net worth.